Complex Rehabilitation Technology (CRT) Update

December 20, 2019

CRT Stakeholders and Friends,

We have something extra to be grateful for this Holiday season! Tonight the President signed into law H.R. 1865 that includes permanent protections for Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchairs and their accessories/components. This is a great win in our collective advocacy to protect access to Complex Rehab Technology (CRT). 

The included CRT provisions will permanently exempt Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchair bases from the Medicare Competitive Bidding Program (CBP). Additionally, there is an 18-month suspension in the current application of CBP payment rates to Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchair accessories. The suspension is effective January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 which will allow for further discussions to achieve a permanent resolution. 

Our sincere thanks to our CRT champions Representatives John Larson (D-CT) and Lee Zeldin (R-NY) and Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Rob Portman (R-OH) for their leadership and hard work. We’re also grateful to Energy & Commerce Committee Chair Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Ranking Member Greg Walden (R-OR), Ways & Means Committee Chair Richie Neal (D-MA) and Ranking Member Kevin Brady (R-TX), and Senate Finance Committee Chair Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ranking Member Ron Wyden (D-OR).  

This shows when the CRT Community comes together things can get done! Recognition and thanks to the ITEM Coalition, United Spinal Association, NCIL, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, Paralyzed Veterans of America, Spina Bifida Association, Clinician Task Force, RESNA, Abilities Expo, APTA, AOTA, and all the other consumer, disability, and medical professional organizations who invested their time in educating and advocating. Thanks also to our NCART members, dedicated consumer advocates, and to our industry partners AA Homecare, NRRTS, US Rehab, and the state associations for their significant contributions.

In summary, thanks to everyone who has played a part. It wasn’t quick and it wasn’t easy, but everyone’s outreach and persistence paid off. We hope you are able to enjoy the Holiday break and look forward to building on this win as we continue the work to protect access for people with disabilities who depend on CRT.


Don ClaybackExecutive Director | |

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