National Disability Employment Awareness Month

This year’s NDEAM theme is The Right Talent, Right Now, which underscores the essential role that workers with disabilities play in America’s economic success, especially in an era when historically low unemployment and global competition are creating a high demand for skilled talent.

“Every day, individuals with disabilities add significant value and talent to our workforce and economy,” said U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta. “Individuals with disabilities offer employers diverse perspectives on how to tackle challenges and achieve success. Individuals with disabilities have the right talent, right now.”

I feel that one of the most intimidating factors for a potential employer and one of the most confusing aspects of the job interview for both parties is reasonable accommodation. The employer might be thinking, “what is this going to cost, will it create a financial hardship?” The interviewee may not know how to broach the subject or when during the interview process this should take place. My own personal thoughts regarding this and again this is just my thoughts, you should have put a good amount f time thinking about this, what do you really need in a workplace to do the job. This is not always just about the physical layout, you have to think about things like start time, restroom breaks and the fact that it will probably take longer than your able bodied counterpart.

If you go to this page you will find a few valuable resources to get you started on your journey and remember we are just a call/email away should you need help or support.

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