“Protecting Access to Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchairs Act”

We are very pleased to share that the “Protecting Access to Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchairs Act”, H.R. 2293, was introduced in the House of Representatives this afternoon.  We thank Representatives John Larson (D-CT) and Lee Zeldin (R-NY) for taking the lead and re-introducing this critical legislation.  

This bill will permanently exempt Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchairs from the Medicare Competitive Bidding Program and will also stop Medicare from applying Competitive Bidding payment rates to critical components (accessories) of Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchairs for 18 months. This suspension will allow time to develop a permanent policy change. 

Representatives Larson and Zeldin were joined in this bipartisan introduction by 21 additional Members (view list here). Not only was the introduction bipartisan, but it included 7 Members from the important Energy & Commerce and Ways & Means Committees.

We will be updating our advocacy materials so CRT stakeholders can contact their individual Representatives to sign on as cosponsors. Watch for more details next week! 


Don ClaybackExecutive Director | NCARTdclayback@ncart.us | www.ncart.us

P.S. If you know of any other stakeholders who would like to receive updates like these, have them join our mailing list here!

We’re very happy to report that Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Rob Portman (R-OH) reintroduced the Senate Complex Rehab Wheelchair Bill late yesterday. The new bill number is S. 1223!  

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